Saturday, December 22, 2007

Look what just arrived from Estonia

Raili and Anna

Yes, I've got myself my very own Estonian! I organised for the delivery before I left but there was a delay in sorting out the paperwork. This is Raili Arbus (you say it like Riley) and she's here for a year to do a mentorship with me. We met at the Estonian Academy of Art and she expressed an interest in coming to Australia and working with me, so I said "Make it So"

She's Ace!

And this is where she'll be working.

beautiful lemel.JPG

The lemel looks very pretty but it's practical too as it's plastic backed upholstery fabric.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

any current or prospective PhD students out there?

Wanna go and spend some research time in Estonia? There is something called the Archimedes foundation which funds foreign PhD students to undertake 10 months of research at an Estonian university.

From the info they've sent me it appears they pay your round trip airfare, the cost of the stamp duty for an Estonian visa and your medical insurance as well as a stipend of 6000 Estonian kroon per month (about $640 Aussie).

The deadline for applications is the 15th January 2008, so get moving and email me for contact details and more information (annadee at ozemail dot com dot au)

streets of Tallinn.JPG

Streets of Tallinn

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I recently went to Queensland...

Cylinder Beach, Stradbroke Island.JPG

Well, actually, it was about a month ago, but Davernator time is different to normal time.

I spent a week on Stradbroke Island with Chester's mum (that's Cylinder Beach above) and I believe that everybody should spend a week on Stradbroke Island before they die.

ahhh bliss.JPG

In order to make my holiday tax deductible, I spent a few days in Brisbane visiting my stockist, the Gallery Store at the Queensland Art Gallery. It was my first visit having stocked them for the last 2-3 years and I was impressed by the store and very happy with how my work looked there. I also had a look around the gallery, I really enjoyed the collection of 20th Century Australian Art. Then I went to check out the new Gallery of Modern Art which was in between 'blockbuster' shows but the building itself is beautiful and understated and leaves the art to speak for itself. I was impressed by this...

Anish Kapoor, GOMA, Brisbane.JPG

But it would be hard to not be impressed by it. It's by Anish Kapoor and the wall tag says "Anish Kapoor's... sculptures engage the viewer both physically and psychologically." "...perception is manipulated through the use of a single rich colour, a highly reflective surface and monumental form." "His art works are remarkable sensory encounters." And, oh boy, are they what? One of the aims of my work is to foster a desire for a physical as well as psychological engagement with objects. However, I use the miniature and detail to encourage people to really get in close and imagine being in the 'world' of the object. But the monumental and simple works so well. I wanted to be IN this sculpture.

This work...

Eko Nugroho, GOMA, Brisbane

by Eko Nugroho is installed in the entrance hall of the gallery and I loved it just as much as I loved his work in Helsinki

And these beautiful things were on display amongst many other equally beautiful things.

Pearl shell pendants by Aubrey Tigan.JPG

Pearl shell pendant by Aubrey Tigan.JPG

Pearl shell pendants by Aubrey Tigan

Tjanpi (grass basket) by Atipalku Intjalki

Tjanpi (grass basket) by Atipalku Intjalki

Guutu (vessels) by Shirley MacNamara.JPG

Guutu (vessels) by Shirley MacNamara.

I do wonder whether the gallery would be as eager to exhibit craft from non-indigenous artists?

I also had the great pleasure of meeting up with some fellow Brisbane bloggers at the Umbrella Collective Christmas Show.

Umbrella Collective Sale.JPG

I kind of felt like I was going on a blind date!!

I met Liana Kabel,

Liana Kabel.JPG

from whom I purchased some beautiful plastic earrings,

Liana Kabel earrings.JPG

Rebecca Ward aka Rebecca the Wrecker,

Rebecca Ward.JPG

from whom I purchased some flatliner brooches,

Rebecca the Wrecker's flatliner.JPG

Shannon Garson,

Shannon Garson.JPG

(sorry about the bad photo Shannon and sorry I didn't get to visit you in Maleny, it took about 3 weeks and 5 visits to the physio to repair my dodgy jewellers stiff neck!)

from whom I bought my favourite tea drinking cup,

Shannon Garson teacup.JPG

and Florence Forrest

Florence Forrest.JPG

from whom I purchased Ishmael's Whale...

Flying Star Toy.JPG

and who inspired me to choose 'Moby Dick' as the next book for my bookclub!

I was also invited to the grand Brisbane premier of Elizabeth: The Golden Age with our Cate by Mel Robson. She promised brocade bloomers and demonstration sword fights and we got 'em! She also invited Kenji Uranishi along, whose work I had purchased at the Gallery Store at the Queensland Art Gallery

Kenji Uranishi vase.JPG

I didn't get to purchase anything of Mel's but I already have these in my collection...

Mel Robson cups.JPG

So, all in all, a great trip!
